Yogash chitta-vritti-nirodhah: Just as you cannot see the depth of a lake if there are too many ripples on the surface; knowing your true self isn't possible until the whirlpool of thoughts in the mind is silenced.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Art of Living Secrets: It happened to me!!!!
Art of Living Secrets: It happened to me!!!!: Power of making right choices- a candid take! I have been in Russia for one month now. And there is this extremely unpleasant odour ...
Monday, April 25, 2011
Interview in Indian Express this week while i was in Hyderabad for a course
The Yogi Speaks
First Published : 22 Apr 2011 12:23:00 AM IST
Last Updated : 22 Apr 2011 08:46:59 AM IST
HYDERABAD: Kamlesh Barwal, who has come to the city for the first time, is very happy with the enthusiasm Hyderabadis have shown towards yoga. She says, “It is wonderful to see so many smiling faces waiting for me. People of various age groups and from various walks of life are attending this workshop.”
The trainer is happy with the attendance of youngsters at the workshop as well. She further adds, “There are lots of youngsters who have joined the workshop. It makes me happy to see that they are more health conscious now and are working out. Yoga is our culture and they are going back to their tradition and roots, which is a good sign for the nation.”The workshop in the city is different from the ones conducted in other cities. According to Barwal, “Primarily, we are focusing on few asanas and pranayam. Whereas, in other cities we conduct advanced workshops and also hold teachers teaching programmes.”When asked whether Sri Sri Yoga is different from other yoga schools, Barwal replies, “Yoga by definition means union. Basically, the content is the same, but the method of delivering the content may be different. Yoga helps you connect with yourself and there are various techniques that have been passed down by many sages and maharishis. However, various institutes have adapted different techniques for this.”There is more commitment towards practice in foreign countries when compared to India. She says, “Commitment towards yoga practice is still maturing in India.The awareness has cropped up in the last five to six years. There are many young people who are committing towards a healthy lifestyle. The scenario is quite different in aboard nations. People there are more committed practitioners and have high levels of concentration.” According to the yogi, “Gym really helps to build up muscles and even refreshes your mind to a certain a extent. Whereas, yoga is more powerful. Youngsters, at this age, need detoxification of mind and from various emotions they are going through. This where yoga jumps in. Yoga gives you answers on how to control your numerous emotions such as anger, jealousy, stress.”It is also very important to take time out for rhythmic breathing, Sudarshan Kriya and meditation. She explains, “These three forms of yoga are very important as it not only creates a completely positive human begin but makes you healthy inside out. That is what I want for the society.”She was first introduced to the Art of Living at a very young age.This yoga instructor had a a rough time when she was in college as her health was not good.So she joined the art of living for maintaining good health and to overcome the college stress. What began as a practice soon turned into a lifestyle. She was inspired by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, his lifestyle and good deeds.She recalls, “I was always a humanitarian. I always wanted to help people and I found it in Art of Living. Initially, I was just a volunteer and I use to teach English in underprivileged schools and used to do satsangs as well. It brought me immense joy and I knew what I wanted to do in life”.This workshop is also seen as a fund raiser. Depending upon the city and the course, everybody has to contribute. This collection is then transferred to the Art of Living trust.Saturday, November 6, 2010
Pain to bliss (part-2)
"Rōga nivāraṇa mērā pahalā kartavaya hai (Eradication of disease is my foremost responsibility)" smiled Pitaji.
I had not slept that night. Still in lot of pain and tears in my eyes, i sat down on the dinning table next to Pitaji in the main hall at laxmi gardens bunglow. Pitaji has been living in the ground floor of this old duplex for some years now. Quiet contrary to my expectations, the living space was so humble.. the main hall has an old sofa and a dinning table. His room has a cot, a chair table with loads of books piled one top of the other. An iron almirah and a few cartons (containing medicines) thrown around.
I had not slept that night. Still in lot of pain and tears in my eyes, i sat down on the dinning table next to Pitaji in the main hall at laxmi gardens bunglow. Pitaji has been living in the ground floor of this old duplex for some years now. Quiet contrary to my expectations, the living space was so humble.. the main hall has an old sofa and a dinning table. His room has a cot, a chair table with loads of books piled one top of the other. An iron almirah and a few cartons (containing medicines) thrown around.
Akash had walked me in, holding me strong at the waist. i had not stepped out of my room for more than a week now. Pitaji's eyes filled with tears when i narrated to him about what i was going through.
With a mothers' compassion in his eyes he said "Ma, you have suffered too much and you have definitely taken too long to come here, but dont worry i will cure you". With a sweet smile he added "you will be up and running in four days".
He gave me some medicines, some food and lots of love and care. I could feel an instant relief.
For next three days he kept me under his observation. gave me medicines with his own hands, fed me like a mother feeds a child. And kept telling me "dont worry, you will be alright". I kept getting better, the healing was quiet fast.
Along with Akash, i spent a beautiful time being there with him. Pitaji rested on a chair besides me, meditated and prayed for me constantly. We had some beautiful conversations with him, some stories from the Puranas, some stories from Guruji's childhood interspersed with small snacks :) or a cup of filter coffee.
AND.... he would read my mind all the time :)
When, he would go into his room to read or write, I would discus somethings with Akash quietely and Pitaji would just somehow bring it up later in the conversations.... close the talk with a sweet smiling "see i am reading your mind" and then point at Guruji's picture on the wall "I am not doing anything, its all His grace. I am a simple man".
This is something, he does all the time. Whenever anyone will praise him, all he does is point to Guruji's picture on the wall.
He is 88. Walks erect. Eyesight, better than mine. Razor sharp memory. i would miss my medicines, he wont. He did not say one negative word in all these days..not even one. He did not shout at anyone. He would not take help, even if it meant walking to and fro his room a million times for medicines, paper, pen etc etc. And if you offer to, comes a quick "Kyun(why)? there are many poor and sick people out there, i want you to go and help them. Dont worry a bout me, i am alright".
You cannot walk out of laxmi gardens, without eating. Forget it, don't even try. He will sit and watch, make sure you eat, even if you have already had a meal :)
I close with one of his favorite lines "पेट भरो ध्यान करो"..... Ha ha ha...!!!
...........keep reading :)
You cannot walk out of laxmi gardens, without eating. Forget it, don't even try. He will sit and watch, make sure you eat, even if you have already had a meal :)
I close with one of his favorite lines "पेट भरो ध्यान करो"..... Ha ha ha...!!!
...........keep reading :)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
From pain to bliss .... !! (Part-1)
Some three months back, i picked up a bug or may be it was a permanent resident of my body and chose to show up now that i was fatigued of travel.
As i was in the middle of a tight course schedule, an instant relief medication felt necessary. I ended up taking a series of antibiotics, about four times as and when the symptoms appeared and re appeared until it got complicated :(
On the day of Dussehra, as i celebrated victory and blessed everyone around, health, prosperity and peace, little did i know that i was going to get bed ridden for next two weeks. The dear bug attacked again and this time really really hard.
But now, i was determined to not to take anymore antibiotics. And so i did. Ayurvedic doctors started treatment.... treatment not on the symptoms but something that would work on the root cause.
Symptomatic relief was not a promise. So, what followed for next few days is lot of crying in pain and praying for relief. But, one day when i couldn't take any more i prayed to Guruji and decided to give in.
Back to antibiotics :(
Just then, i was guided to Pitaji.*
Pitaji, as he is lovingly called is Gurujis father. A well known scholar, Pitaji lives his life by the scriptures. At an age of 88, he just wants to be useful. He wants to serve. He wants to give.....and so he does. He has dedicated his life to service of humanity.
Once in a while we would see him in satsangs and I always thought that having children like Guruji and Bhanu Didi, Pitaji must be now enjoying a comfortable happy retired life :) Retired from Seva too :)
Little did i know (actually i should have known), Pitaji is still taking care of some 450 poor women from about 30 villages in North Karnataka. He provides to them not only vocational trainings, but markets their products, help them become self reliant, help them start small savings accounts with the Indian post office etc etc......!!
............keep reading for more :)
As i was in the middle of a tight course schedule, an instant relief medication felt necessary. I ended up taking a series of antibiotics, about four times as and when the symptoms appeared and re appeared until it got complicated :(
On the day of Dussehra, as i celebrated victory and blessed everyone around, health, prosperity and peace, little did i know that i was going to get bed ridden for next two weeks. The dear bug attacked again and this time really really hard.
But now, i was determined to not to take anymore antibiotics. And so i did. Ayurvedic doctors started treatment.... treatment not on the symptoms but something that would work on the root cause.

Just then, i was guided to Pitaji.*
Pitaji, as he is lovingly called is Gurujis father. A well known scholar, Pitaji lives his life by the scriptures. At an age of 88, he just wants to be useful. He wants to serve. He wants to give.....and so he does. He has dedicated his life to service of humanity.
R. S. Venkat Ratnam |
Little did i know (actually i should have known), Pitaji is still taking care of some 450 poor women from about 30 villages in North Karnataka. He provides to them not only vocational trainings, but markets their products, help them become self reliant, help them start small savings accounts with the Indian post office etc etc......!!
............keep reading for more :)
*Acharya Ratnananda, for books check:
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
My Master's Promise
Once, I was travelling with Guruji in the hills. We were visiting many temples that day,
one after another. It so happened that every time, He would step into His car, I would
be around to shut the car door for Him. After a few times, I could not hold myself back
and casually mentioned it to Him, “Guruji, I am closing the door every time for you”.
With a beautiful smile, he instantly replied, “but I will make sure that all doors remain
open for you” and drove off.
After becoming an Art of Living teacher, Guruji told me to start travelling in the rural
interiors of Himachal Pradesh. He could feel the hidden fear and hesitation I had that time.
Then one day, He sat me down, looked at me and said, “from now on where ever you go
on this earth, you will find a home better than yours and a family more loving than yours.
That is my promise. You just focus on bringing good to others and you shall be
completely taken care of. Just go out there and know so many people are waiting for you”.
He kept His promise. In 10 years of traveling as an AOL teacher, I have met thousands of
people from diverse cultures, lives, traditions and values. Each one has added to my
extended family. I have received immense love and respect from everyone I met and continue to.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
In a happy place....
The Navratri Homas began today. Ganesh Homa being the first one.
As always, ashram is bustling with colourful clothes, bangles, mehndi, happy shinning bright faces from all over the world. At the moment we have about 1200 internationals and more than 3000 from different states of India.
The festivities and celebrations here transport you to some other world.
Today, offerings were made to Ganesha, the Lord of Auspiciousness. Ganpati Homa is symbolic of removing the obstacles before initiating anything new. Ganesha also symbolises joy, compassion and magnanimity.
Thus, anything we begin with a happy full heart, with an intention to serve and share will certainly be fruitful.
And yet again, i made a new start, a new beginning on this path that takes me back to myself.
As Swami Pragyanand ji Maharaj said in satsang last night, "If u stand in front of a mirror and u see a mark on the face in your reflection, if you try to remove it by wiping the mirror off, it wont go. You will have to wipe your face. The mark can be seen there, but it really isn't. It is here. Recognise the fact that what u see outside is within you. Recognizing that all that is outside of us and within us is nothing but Divine Consciousness."
So i start to walk, yet again towards that happy place inside me :)
And as Maharaji said, "the recognition of the fact that what u see outside is within u, happens only by being in very few momentous occasions like this (ashram navratri puja).
I am filled with gratitude for this life for at an age like mine, i have had countless such oppurtunities, attended countless such pujas and been a part of countless such satsangs.
No life can be better than mine.
I am in a very happy place inside me right now.
As always, ashram is bustling with colourful clothes, bangles, mehndi, happy shinning bright faces from all over the world. At the moment we have about 1200 internationals and more than 3000 from different states of India.
The festivities and celebrations here transport you to some other world.
Today, offerings were made to Ganesha, the Lord of Auspiciousness. Ganpati Homa is symbolic of removing the obstacles before initiating anything new. Ganesha also symbolises joy, compassion and magnanimity.
Thus, anything we begin with a happy full heart, with an intention to serve and share will certainly be fruitful.
And yet again, i made a new start, a new beginning on this path that takes me back to myself.
As Swami Pragyanand ji Maharaj said in satsang last night, "If u stand in front of a mirror and u see a mark on the face in your reflection, if you try to remove it by wiping the mirror off, it wont go. You will have to wipe your face. The mark can be seen there, but it really isn't. It is here. Recognise the fact that what u see outside is within you. Recognizing that all that is outside of us and within us is nothing but Divine Consciousness."
So i start to walk, yet again towards that happy place inside me :)
And as Maharaji said, "the recognition of the fact that what u see outside is within u, happens only by being in very few momentous occasions like this (ashram navratri puja).
I am filled with gratitude for this life for at an age like mine, i have had countless such oppurtunities, attended countless such pujas and been a part of countless such satsangs.
No life can be better than mine.
I am in a very happy place inside me right now.
Monday, October 11, 2010
I am His Miracle
Way back in 1998, one day my neurosurgeon, Dr. Rupak called my mother to see him.
He told her about this breathing technique called sudarshan kriya. He said he has been
reading about it in many magazines and newspapers. Even though not having personally
experienced it, somehow he was convinced that this could bring back the smile on my
face. He explained to my mother how important it was to get me out of my shell, do
some group activities, breath, and meet new people. The sedatives that I was on would
only make me more recluse and lifeless.
My mother found out about the Art of Living course in the town. Fortunately it was
happening just in a few days, after a gap of about half a year. Sources told us that it
was just the third or may be fourth program in my hometown and that the trainers come from
Bangalore only if there were enough people registered. My mother got almost all my
friends and cousins booked on the course along with me.
And there I was, after almost a year of sulking, getting shuttled between home and the
ICU, so week in body and mind, surrounded with all my relatives, sitting in front of this
very divine looking young boy with beautiful long hair and a big compassionate smile.
I was already feeling heeled.
The sudarshan kriya was magical. I cried and I laughed. I laughed and didn’t want to stop.
I felt so much at home, alive and happy again. All that my teacher spoke on the course seemed
tailor made for me. I was responsible for my own misery. Things don’t necessarily go our
way always. We are healthy and we fall sick. We win and we loose but we move on.
No one on this planet is sitting and just thinking about me. How I won, how I lost, how
I looked, how I lived. They have their own share of worries. They have all moved on.
And I was still shying away from them, who didn’t even exist anymore. And I knew now,
I had to start again, my life full of new hopes, new aspirations, new friends; a life that had
no room for the past. So I did.
After a regular practice of sudarshan kriya for few months, I got the MRI scan done.
When I took my report back to my doctor, he jumped off his seat in disbelief. He joined
the next Art of Living course along with his wife. I was on medicines for more
than a year now. This was my last day. Its been about 12 years , I have not had
any medicine ever since. I took an advance meditation program along with my
doctor and his wife the same month. We met the most beautiful people on the course.
The 4 words - Sadhna, Seva, Satsang and Smile became my breath, my life and
what began as a mere practice for a healthy body and mind, soon became a
lifestyle and there was no looking back.
I am a living miracle. When people ask me to tell them stories about
H.H. Sri Sri Ravishankar, my Master, my Guru, all I can say is
“I am a Guru story, I am His miracle”.
Born to affluent parents, I was brought up in an extremely comfortable
environment as a soft pampered girl. Even the slightest unexpected change in
my surroundings, could throw me off balance.
Today, I am one of most travelled teachers with the Art of Living foundation.
I have stayed for months in the villages on very basic amenities. Went to places
where I knew not a soul and moved out of there with hundreds bidding me
farewell in just few months. Heat, cold, day, night doesn’t seem to deter anything
anymore inside me. Every moment I feel something inside of me growing stronger.
Not that the situations are always favorable, not that I don’t meet with opposing
events and people anymore. But, my reaction or rather response to them has
completely changed. I can just SMILE it away.
Thank you doctor
I am indebted to my doctor for having brought this incredible knowledge into my life.
Today, after every sudarshan kriya on the course, when I see the shinning faces of
my participants, soaked in peace and tranquility, I am filled with gratitude for this beautiful life.
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